Computerworld Interviews FileOpen Customer for ERM Article

Posted by Sanford Bingham on Apr 30, 2010 1:53:00 PM


We'd like to thank Elisabeth Horwitt for her mention of FileOpen Systems in a recent Computerworld article, "Enterprise rights management and keeping data in-house," and also to thank Paul Chow of BCA Research for his comments about his company is using FileOpen software in the same piece. 
The article describes some of the challenges around Enterprise Rights Management from an IT perspective. It also illuminates one of the important trends now emerging, the interplay between Digital Loss Prevention (DLP) and ERM/DRM. FileOpen has just made available a whitepaper on that subject, "FileOpen and Data Loss Prevention," which explores how the two approaches can complement each other.

Computerworld approached FileOpen customer Paul Chow at BCA Research, who explained why they chose FileOpen's DRM over alternative solutions;

BCA, for example, stopped using LockLizard's IRM product because it required installing a proprietary PDF reader that was not Adobe's, Chow says. "For our client base, that just wouldn't work." In contrast, FileOpen supplies a plug-in to users' existing Adobe readers that can be installed in 30 seconds, he adds.

The article underscores the importance of choosing DRM software which provides tools for managing users and permissions policies, a feature FileOpen has long provided and is soon to release in a web-based interface.

Topics: FileOpen DLP digital loss prevention Computerworld